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Strengthening the Social Fabric: Can the Social Sector Help Restore Trust?

In this event, we will explore what is driving the breakdown in social trust we are experiencing as a nation—including factors such as rising inequality, the assault on the middle and working class, and the stoking of racial resentment—and examine the role philanthropy and the social sector can play in countering these trends. Is this problem tractable, or beyond the reach of philanthropy? What kinds of organizations and strategies can counter thefracturing of the country along overlapping religious, racial, partisan, and geographic fault lines? What role has racism played in dividing Americans and fostering distrust in government? Are philanthropic organizations themselves exacerbating divisions or deepening Americans’ distrust in their institutions, and if so, how can leaders in the sector remedy that?

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In this event, we will explore what is driving the breakdown in social trust we are experiencing as a nation—including factors such as rising inequality, the assault on the middle and working class, and the stoking of racial resentment—and examine the role philanthropy and the social sector can play in countering these trends. Is this problem tractable, or beyond the reach of philanthropy? What kinds of organizations and strategies can counter thefracturing of the country along overlapping religious, racial, partisan, and geographic fault lines? What role has racism played in dividing Americans and fostering distrust in government? Are philanthropic organizations themselves exacerbating divisions or deepening Americans’ distrust in their institutions, and if so, how can leaders in the sector remedy that?

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